This is a big issue for young children and those who work with them, as they begin their journey in the big wide world away from home. This article explains our approach and expectations regarding these common issues.
From time to time, in group care settings, we have children who are still learning how to play nicely with friends and developing the skill of being with others in a social and learning environment. This is a natural learning area, just like learning other skills. A few mistakes may be made along the way, but most children move through this phase very quickly.
As educators, part of our role is to assist children to practice being kind, careful of other children’s feelings, gentle at play and respectful in how they speak and play in our setting. To achieve this, we rely on parents to also teach children the same values and manners at home. Most children and families manage this very well and there are few problems.
However, when problems do occur with rough, rude, disrespectful behaviour or unsafe play, we inform the parents of the child concerned and expect (as explained in the Parent Handbook and Enrolment Application Form), that parents will work with us to assist their child to move through this behaviour modification process quickly.
When parents and our team work together, it minimises the impact of this play on other children and our staff and helps children work through anger management and other social issues quickly.
We must be very clear—disrespectful, violent or aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated at Out & About.
This kind of behaviour may include: hitting or shoving other children, being rough in play beyond natural levels of excitement during a game, swearing at or biting children or our staff, and throwing objects at others.
Our lovely children and team members are not expected to suffer this and if families do not work with us to positively change this behaviour, spaces for the child concerned will be forfeited. This is in the interests of all children and staff in the centre. This must be a safe space for children, educators, and families. People have the right to feel safe and happy in our environment.
We know our families will support and appreciate this approach and rest assured, this is only ever a very small number of cases each year, but we felt it was important to make our policy clear to all right from the start, so all children and families can look forward to a fun-filled, enjoyable learning experience at Out & About Care & Education with friends and Educators who genuinely care.
Out & About Care and Education
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Maroochydore Q 4558
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07 5413 8099
Out & About Care and Education
30 Dalton Drive
Maroochydore Q 4558
07 5479 1411
Out & About Care and Education
6 Mooloolah Rd
Mooloolah Valley Q 4553
07 5356 9323